e2e module api

Functions to perform interactions with graphical user interfaces on behalf of regular users.

This library offers a functional api to perform programmatically common interactions with the graphical interface. In order to do its job, this library uses the at-spi api, so the corresponding service must be available and the applications must implement the api.

If you rather like it, think of this library as an abstraction of the at-spi api. This abstraction is intended to ease the use of the api.


Implementation of Gherkin steps:

# GIVEN I started the application
process, app = e2e.run("./contador.py")
## ok ?
if app is None:
    process and process.kill()
    assert False, f"There is no aplication {path} in the desktop"
do, shows = e2e.perform_on(app)

# WHEN I click the button 'Contar'
do('click', role= 'push button', name= 'Contar')

# THEN I see the text "Has pulsado 1 vez"
assert shows(role= "label", text= "Has pulsado 1 vez")

## Before leaving, clean up your mess
process and process.kill()

The classic Either type, i.e. a value of type T or an error.

N.B.: The typing and implementation of the functions using this type is quite relaxed (unorthodox).

alias of Union[Exception, ipm.e2e.T]


A dict containing a list of patterns an at-spi object should match.

An object matches the list of patterns if and only if it matches all the patterns in the list.

Each pair name: value is interpreted as follows:

name = ‘when’: Predicate on the object.

The value is a function Atspi.Object -> bool. This function returns whether or not the at-spi objects matches this pattern.

name = ‘nth’: Position of the object.

The value must be the position of the at-spi object among its siblings. As usual the positions start at 0, and negative indexes are refered to the end of the list.

name = ‘path’: TODO

name = ‘…’: Otherwise, one of the object’s atrributes.

The name is interpreted as the name of one object’s attribute, and the value is interpreted as follows:

value = str | bytes: String or bytes.

The value must equal to the value of the object’s attribute.

value = re.Pattern: A regular expression.

The object’s attribute value must match the given re.

value = function(Any -> bool): A predicate on the attribute’s value.

The function must return True when called with the object’s attribute value as argument.

alias of Dict[str, Union[AnyStr, re.Pattern, Callable[[gi.repository.Atspi.Object], bool], Callable[[Any], bool]]]

ipm.e2e.fail_on_error(x: Union[Exception, Any]) Any

Raises an exception on error.

Raiese an exception when the python object represents an error, otherwise returns the object itself.


x (Either[T]) – The object to check


The python object when it is not an error

Return type



Exception – The exception that corresponds to the error

ipm.e2e.find_all_objs(roots: Union[gi.repository.Atspi.Object, Iterable[gi.repository.Atspi.Object]], **kwargs: Dict[str, Union[AnyStr, re.Pattern, Callable[[gi.repository.Atspi.Object], bool], Callable[[Any], bool]]]) list

Searchs for all the at-spi objects that matches the arguments.

This function is similar to find_obj. The meaning of the kwargs arguments is the same. But it presents the following differences:

  • Instead of a root object to start the search from, it’s possible to specify a collection of objects to start from every one of them.

  • Instead of returning the first object that matches the arguments, it returns a list containing all of them.

  • roots (Union[Atspi.Object, Iterable[Atspi.Object]]) – The object/s to start the search from

  • **kwargs – See MatchArgs


The list of all descendants that matches the arguments

Return type


ipm.e2e.find_obj(root: gi.repository.Atspi.Object, **kwargs: Dict[str, Union[AnyStr, re.Pattern, Callable[[gi.repository.Atspi.Object], bool], Callable[[Any], bool]]]) Union[Exception, gi.repository.Atspi.Object]

Searchs for the first at-spi object that matches the arguments.

This functions searchs the given root object and its descendants (inorder), looking for the first object that matches the patterns in kwargs.

When kwargs is empty, the root object is selected.

  • root (Atspi.Object) – The object to start the search from

  • **kwargs – See MatchArgs


  • Atspi.Object – The first descendant (inorder) that matches the arguments

  • NotFoundError – When no object matches the arguments

ipm.e2e.is_error(x: Union[Exception, Any]) bool

Checks whether any python object represents an error.

This function is intended to be used with values of type Either.


x (Either[T]) – The object to check


whether it’s an error

Return type


ipm.e2e.obj_children(obj: gi.repository.Atspi.Object) list

Obtains the list of children of an at-spi object.


obj (Atspi.Object) – The object whose children will be queried.


The list of object’s children.

Return type


ipm.e2e.obj_get_attr(obj: gi.repository.Atspi.Object, name: str) Union[Exception, str]

Returns the value of an at-spi object’s attribute.

Some attributes are not actual attributes in at-spi, and must be retrieved using an at-spi function like get_text(). This function can chooice the right way to access attributes.

  • obj (Atspi.Object) – The object from which to retrieve the value of the attriute

  • name (str) – The name of the attribute


  • str – The value of the attribute

  • AttributeError – When the object has no such attribute

ipm.e2e.perform_on(root: gi.repository.Atspi.Object, **kwargs: Dict[str, Union[AnyStr, re.Pattern, Callable[[gi.repository.Atspi.Object], bool], Callable[[Any], bool]]]) tuple

Constructs functions that interact with one part of the user interface.

For the given at-spi object, this function finds the first descendant that matches the patterns in kwargs. Then, it selects the part of the UI given by the subtree which root is the found object and constructs the following functions that performs actions on that subtree:

ipm.e2e.do(action_name: str, **kwargs: MatchArgs) None

Performs an action on the first descendant at-spi object that matches the patterns.

  • action_name (str) – The name of the action

  • **kwargs – See MatchArgs

  • NotFoundError – if no object mathces the patterns in kwargs

  • NotFoundError – if the matching object doesn’t provide the give action

ipm.e2e.shows(**kwargs: MatchArgs) bool

Checks whether the UI shows the information given by the patterns.

Note that the pattern should specify both the information to be shown and the at-spi object that contains that information.


**kwargs – See MatchArgs


Whether any object matches the patterns

Return type


These functions interact, using at-spi, with the subtree rooted at the at-spi object found. They implement two basic interactions, intended to replace the users’ interaction.

  • root (Atspi.Object) – The at-spi object to start the search from

  • **kwargs – See MatchArgs


A tuple with the two functions: do() and shows()

Return type



NotFoundError – If no object matches the patterns in kwargs

ipm.e2e.perform_on_each(roots: Iterable[gi.repository.Atspi.Object], **kwargs: Dict[str, Union[AnyStr, re.Pattern, Callable[[gi.repository.Atspi.Object], bool], Callable[[Any], bool]]]) tuple

Constructs functions that interact with some parts of the user interface.

This function is similar to perform_on(), but instead of selecting one part (subtree) of the UI, it selects a collection of them.

For each object in roots, it selects a subtree that starts at the first descendant that matches the patterns in kwargs. Then it constructs the following functions that performs actions on that collections of subtrees:

ipm.e2e.foreach_do(action_name: str, **kwargs: MatchArgs) None

For each subtree performs an action on the first descendant that matches the patterns.

  • action_name (str) – The name of the action

  • **kwargs – See MatchArgs

  • NotFoundError – If no object matches the patterns in kwargs

  • NotFountError – If the matching object doesn’t provide the given action

ipm.e2e.each_shows(**kwargs: MatchArgs) Iterator[bool]

For each subtree checks wheter the UI shows the information given by the patterns.

Note that the pattern should specify both the information to be shown and the at-spi object that contains that information.

Note that the result is an iterator which data can be aggregated using the builtins any or all.


**kwargs – See MatchArgs


A collection of booleans indicating whether any object matches the patterns for each root object

Return type


These functions will perform the interaction on every subtree. As in perform_on(), they implement, using at-spi, two basic interactions, intended to replace the users’ interaction.

  • roots (Union[Atspi.Object, Iterable[Atspi.Object]]) – The object/s to start the search from

  • **kwargs – See MatchArgs


A tuple with the two functions: foreach_do() and each_shows()

Return type



NotFoundError – If no object matches the patterns in kwargs

ipm.e2e.run(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], name: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None) tuple

Runs the command in a new os process. Waits for application to appear in desktop.

Starts a new os process and runs the given command in it. The command should start an application that implements the at-spi and provides a user interface.

After running the command, the function will wait until the corresponding application appears in the desktop and it is accessible through the at-spi.

Finally it will return the Popen object that controls the process and the at-spi object that controls the accessible application.

When, after a given timeout, it cannot find the application, it will stop waiting and return None instead of the at-spi object.

  • path (str | pathlib.Path) – The file path of the command

  • name (str, optional) – The application’s name that will be shown in the desktop. When no name is given, the function will forge one.

  • path – str | pathlib.Path The file path of the command


Popen object that is in charge of running the command in a new process. The Atspi object that represents the application in the desktop, or None if it couldn’t find the application after a given timeout.

Return type

(subprocess.Popen, Atspi.Object)

ipm.e2e.tree_walk(root: gi.repository.Atspi.Object, path: tuple = (NthOf(i=0, n=1),)) Iterator[tuple]

Creates a tree traversal.

This function performs an inorder tree traversal, starting at the given _root_ (at-spi object). Foreach visited node, it yields the path from the root to the node, and the node itself.

The path includes the position and the number of siblings of each node.

  • root (Atspi.Object) – The root node where to start the traversal.

  • path (TreePath, optional) – A prefix for the paths yielded.


(TreePath, Atspi.Object) – A tuple containing the path to the node and the node itself